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Study Aids @ Pence

Using Study Aids

Study aids are available for most subjects. There is no doubt that you will seek a study aid to bolster your notes and outline from classes. Pence Law Library has a number of different study aid options that you might want to take advantage of. They range from print to online holdings and tutorials. This guide presents a number of study aid options for WCL students by subject. 


Types of Study Aids

Study aids help law students in their particular courses and can be invaluable for understanding and analyzing the law and law school course subjects. They can help with providing a broad overview of a topic or review of legal concepts and may contain questions or other materials to assist with law school exam preparation. The library provides many study aids and resources free of charge.  

Commercial Case Briefs These materials are generally used as a tool to supplement cases you are reading for class. Case briefs usually are case summaries that provide a synopsis of the facts, law and analysis and are usually keyed to a particular casebook. 

Casenote Legal Briefs (A)

High Court Case Summaries (WA)

Legalines (WA)

Commercial Outlines Commercial Outlines contain black letter law ad legal rules. Some may contain practice questions

Black Letter series (WA)

Gilbert Law Summaries (WA)

Emmanuel Law Outlines (A)

BarBri Mastery Course (see below)

Student Outlines Student outlines are created by students who may have previously taken that course.  SBA Outline Bank
Hornbooks & Treatises These materials are generally more detailed than outlines or case briefs, explain legal concepts and give a synopsis of the law of a particular subject. 

Concepts and Insights (WA)

Concise Hornbooks (WA)

Hornbooks (WA)

Nutshells (WA)

Problem-based Study Aids These items are generally subject specific. They contain multiple choice or essay questions with explanations. Some are hypothetical based. 

Acing Series (WA)

Black Letter Outlines (WA) 

Emmanuel Crunchtime (A)

Examples and Explanations (A)

Exam Pro Series (WA)

Glannon Guides (A)

WCL Past Exams Database

BarBri Mastery Course (see below)

Flowcharts & Mindmaps These are visual aids that explain key concepts. 

Emanuel Crunchtime Series (A)

Logic Map Series (WA)

Audio Materials These are visual resources that explain key concepts. 

Sum and Substance Audio (WA)

Law School Legends on Audio (A)

Office Hours (WA)

Videos Videos that cover specific topics, cases, and concepts.

Cold Call Companion (WA)

In Other Words (A)

Study Aids Series @ Pence


CALI has a library of over 1,000 interactive legal tutorials written by law professors and geared towards law students.

West Academic Study Aids package. This package provides online access to many of the study supplements, including West’s Concise Hornbook Series, the Law Stories Series, and all of the Nutshells. 

The Aspen Learning Library (formerly Wolters Kluwer Online Study Aids Library) includes over 200 study aids. BarBri provides black letter law outlines, lectures, and practice materials to help understand complex legal concepts and for class. Includes outlines, and practice multiple-choice and essay questions.

Acing Series; Black Letter Outlines; Concise Hornbook Series; Exam Pro Series; Flashcards; Gilbert Law Summaries; High Court Case Summaries; Hornbooks; Law Stories; Legalines; Nutshells; Quick Review; Short & Happy Guides

Academic Success
Casenote Legal Briefs
Emanuel CrunchTime
Emanuel Law Outlines
Examples & Explanations
Friedmans Practice Series
Glannon Guides
Inside Series
Jumpstart Series


Multiple Choice Questions

Essay Questions 

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Access West Academic Online Study Aids through the Databases, A to Z list. Sign up for a personalized account once you have authenticated through DUO.  Access Aspen Learning Library through the Databases, A to Z list. Sign up for a personalized account once you have authenticated through DUO. Email for access to the BarBri Mastery Course. 


Cold Call Companion - New study option with a familiar look and feel

West Academic has recently introduced Cold Call Companion. A new study aid series that features case briefs, case brief animation videos, case vocabularies, content to help prepare for class discussion, questions to test your knowledge and links to other relevant study materials. Cold Call Companion is available for the following subjects: 

With more content coming in the near future.