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Exam Resources

This is a short guide to Print & Online Study Materials held by the Pence Law Library

CALI Lessons

CALI has a library of over 1,000 interactive legal tutorials written by law professors and geared towards law students.

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West Academic Study Aids Subscription

West Academic Study Aids package. This package provides online access to many of the study supplements, including West’s Concise Hornbook Series, the Law Stories Series, and all of the Nutshells. Gives electronic access to over 350 study aids from West, Foundation, and Gilberts.

Aspen Learning Library

Audio Options

SBA Outline Bank



The WCL Student Bar Association (SBA) compiles student outlines that WCL students can download and adapt as they study for exams. The Outline Bank is accessible only to WCL students. You can access the Outline Bank using the link on myWCL.

WCL Past Exams

​​​​​​The WCL Exam Database can be accessed from the Library Services page of the Pence Law Library website. 

The exams database contains all of the examinations placed on reserve with the Pence Law Library by professors since 1990. If there are sample answers on reserve, these answers will be linked to the appropriate examination. A few exams will require a password for access; most will not.

NOTE: Professors are not required to put their exams into the database. There may or may not be an old exam for your professor. You can ask your professor to request to add their exam to the database. 

Study Aids Series @ Pence


CALI has a library of over 1,000 interactive legal tutorials written by law professors and geared towards law students.

West Academic Study Aids package. This package provides online access to many of the study supplements, including West’s Concise Hornbook Series, the Law Stories Series, and all of the Nutshells. 

The Aspen Learning Library (formerly Wolters Kluwer Online Study Aids Library) includes over 200 study aids. BarBri provides black letter law outlines, lectures, and practice materials to help understand complex legal concepts and for class. Includes outlines, and practice multiple-choice and essay questions.

Acing Series; Black Letter Outlines; Concise Hornbook Series; Exam Pro Series; Flashcards; Gilbert Law Summaries; High Court Case Summaries; Hornbooks; Law Stories; Legalines; Nutshells; Quick Review; Short & Happy Guides

Academic Success
Casenote Legal Briefs
Emanuel CrunchTime
Emanuel Law Outlines
Examples & Explanations
Friedmans Practice Series
Glannon Guides
Inside Series
Jumpstart Series


Multiple Choice Questions

Essay Questions 

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Authorization Code: AMERICstu4​
Access West Academic Online Study Aids through the Databases, A to Z list. Sign up for a personalized account once you have authenticated through DUO.  Access Aspen Learning Library through the Databases, A to Z list. Sign up for a personalized account once you have authenticated through DUO. Email for access to the BarBri Mastery Course.