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Pence Law Library Circulation Desk


What am I searching?

Everything This is the broadest search:  find books, e-books, journals, DVDs adn more in the AUWCL Pence Law Library, as well as online articles the Pence Law Library subscribes to.
Library Catalog Find books and more at the AUWCL Pence Law Library, a well as online articles the Pence Law Library subscribes to.
Articles Find online articles the AUWCL Pence Law Library subscribes to
WRLC Search for books across all libraries (includes Pence Law Library, AU Main Campus Library and the rest of the WRLC Consortium) (Use to request books from AU library and other libraries in the area)
Course Reserves Find items which are on reserve by course name, course ID, instructor, or department.


Advanced Searching

The Advanced Search option allows you to search more specifically for items by pre-filtering your search results.

Start by selecting where you would like to search, such as within the catalog, courses reserves, or WRLC.

You can also specify what you would like to search for (Author, Subject, ISBN, etc), and filter that down even farther by selecting the language, publication date, etc.

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