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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
This database features thousands of titles on the electoral process: how elections are conducted, how votes are counted, how political campaigns are run and funded, and who is allowed to vote. Featuring content on historical and more recent elections, this database allows users to understand both how our current electoral system came to be as well as the context for proposals for its complete overhaul. [...] In addition to content about U.S. elections, users will also find hundreds of titles about elections around the world, from elections in Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. These titles report on the outcomes of specific national elections, while others chronicle citizens struggles for a free and fair electorate, providing a global overview of election systems.
An extraordinary scholarly resource which includes content from Eugene G. Wangers groundbreaking and unique bibliography

This fully-searchable, easy-to-use resource is packed with information on capital punishment and includes both a PDF and a database version of the Wanger bibliographic index, with access to nearly 650 full text out-of-copyright works indexed in Wangers collection. Other publications related to the death penalty include nearly 150 trials, 300 books, and periodicals, as well as relevant scholarly articles, an additional bibliography, and external links to further the researchers exploration of this topic.

Mr. Wangers work, combined with the additional content included in History of Capital Punishment in HeinOnline, provides an extensive and well-organized platform for research on capital punishment and related issues.
This database provides caseload information on federal district judges for criminal and civil cases as well as Immigration judges and judges serving on the FISA court.
  • AU Community Only
Alternate Name(s) PressReader
PressReader offers access to the most recent 2 months of over 400 U.S. and international newspapers. All newspapers are in their entirety and are available on the day they are published.
  • WCL Community
Regulatory Insight provides researchers with workflow solutions to facilitate research tasks associated with administrative law. As a companion to Legislative Insight, Regulatory Insight offers U.S. federal administrative law histories for the period 1936-2014 organized by federal statute and executive order.

Regulatory Insight creates regulatory histories for individual federal statutes and Executive Orders by compiling pertinent Federal Register articles into a research-friendly workspace similar to the workspace provided in Legislative Insight. "Search within" functionality and the ability to limit by content type (e.g. notices, proposed rules, final rules) are available through the filters.
  • WCL Community
Supreme Court Insight, 1975-2016, is a complete online collection of full opinions from Supreme Court argued cases, including per decision, dockets, oral arguments, joint appendices and amicus briefs. Content associated with each case is compiled on a dynamic page organized to facilitate understanding of the judicial process, and is also retrievable on a document by document basis. This collection covers content through the 2016/2017 term.
Alternate Name(s) VitalLaw
Securities Regulation is a comprehensive eleven-volume treatise that provides essential information covering a wide array of topics concerning securities law. This definitive treatise is an exhaustive classic work that is the foundation of every securities library. The authors' analysis of all relevant statutes plus thousands of cases and SEC administrative decisions and letters clarifies virtually all questions that subscribers have on securities law.
State Court Report is a nonpartisan news source, resource, and commentary hub covering state constitutional developments in high courts across the 50 states. It features commentary and analysis from academics, practitioners, judges, and journalists with diverse perspectives and expertise, covering recent state court cases, trends, and scholarship.
Alternate Name(s) TFL
Cutting-edge intel & actionable analysis for the global retail professional with a focus on intellectual property issues.